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City of Sydney


The City of Sydney’s Guidelines for Waste Management in New Developments (the Guidelines) promote the efficient storage, separation, collection and handling of waste to maximise resource recovery and provide safe and healthy spaces for people to live and work in.

The Guidelines provide the minimum waste management requirements for all development and for completing Waste and Recycling Management Plans for Development Applications (DAs).

All new developments that will generate demolition, construction and operational waste are required to submit a Waste and Recycling Management Plan. Operational waste is waste generated by occupants of developments as part of typical occupancy and use.


The City of Sydney is committed to environmental leadership. The City’s Sustainable Sydney 2030 – Community Strategic Plan 2017–2021 and Environmental Action 2016–2021 – Strategy and Action Plan set bold targets, including a long-term goal of zero waste to landfill.

The City’s Leave nothing to waste – Managing resources in the City of Sydney area: Waste strategy and action plan 2017–2030 focuses on managing Sydney’s resources to 2030 by setting clear targets and recommendations to maximise diversion from landfill. It sets out priority areas that will integrate sustainable resource management within a dynamic and developing urban environment.

One priority area is sustainable design. The City is committed to focusing on sustainable waste management in new developments and these should provide safe and convenient facilities for residents and workers to store recyclables and unwanted waste items for collection and recovery.

The Guidelines are integral in ensuring the City’s new buildings maximise resource recovery opportunities through smart, innovative and sustainable design.